ITIL 4 e-learning content in detail

Discover our e-learning content in detail on this page.
We offer an exam preparation service package and three e-learning packages with different services.

We support you every step of the way to success.
With our e-learning, there are no limits to your creativity and potential.

Be flexible and learn whenever and wherever you want – now and again!

Our ITIL 4 e-learning content

eLarning LogoOur e-learning courses offer you maximum flexibility for your self-study.
You can learn when, where and at the pace that suits you best.
These courses allow you to customize your learning process and adapt it to your personal needs.
Our learning platform is available to you around the clock so that you can expand your knowledge efficiently and conveniently without having to adhere to fixed schedules.

The exam preparation package and the three e-learning performance levels are tailored to the needs of most students.

These are the advantages of e-learning has for you.

Choose one of the three e-learning services

The table with the detailed presentation of the services in the Exam Preparation, E-Learning, E-Learning+ and E-Learning++ packages is only visible on one monitor.

The benefits are:

  • Interactive learning with Canvas LMS (e-learning only)
  • E-book for the course in a language of your choice (all levels)
  • Learning Resource Kit in a language of your choice (all levels)
  • Exam voucher with Protector in a language of your choice (all performance levels)
  • Auto maket Example Pager (e-learning only)
  • 12 months access to the documents (all service levels)
  • Mock exam for rehearsal (E-Learning+ and E-Learning++ only)
  • Take2 exam for repeat exam (E-Learning+ and E-Learning++ only)
  • Trainer Support one hour (ELearning++ only)
  • Examen Vorbereitung
  • E-Learning
  • E-Learning+
  • E-Learning++
Examen VorbereitungE-LearningE-Learning+E-Learning++
per course
Interactive learning with Canvas LMS
You can study 24/7, whenever you have the time and inclination.
E-book for the course in a language of your choice
You choose the language of the eBook yourself. Tip: Order a printed book in another language.
Learning Resource Kit in a language of your choice
You choose the language of the learning kit yourself after you have purchased the voucher.
Exam voucher with Protector
The exam voucher is a code that unlocks access to the learning portal and entitles you to take the exam.
Auto market Example Pager
You can practice exam questions interactively. We recommend ordering a mock exam.
12 months access to the documents
You can access your eLearning documents for 12 months.
Mock exam for rehearsal
You can take a trial examination. Take advantage of this opportunity, as it is not possible to order at a later date.
Take2 exam for repeat exam
If you do not pass the exam at the first attempt, you can take a second exam.
Trainer Support 1 hour
A certified trainer supports you for a total of two virtual sessions per week with all learners for one hour each.
DetailsDetailsDetailsBuy Now

Book E-Learning trainings

You can order a printed book to accompany the training courses.
An e-book is included in every eLearning package.
It has proven to be a good idea to order a printed book in addition.
Pro tip: Order a printed book in a different language to the e-book.

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